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Steam on Shed... Bespoke Sheets

Any class, any region and any scale -

ncluding appropriate shedplates and

'curly' 6s & 9s on ER sheets if appropriate.


There's a charge of £20 to cover setting up costs then £2 per number required, but you'll receive at least 4 of each number.

Above left is a 7mm sheet of locos shedded at Exeter (83C) and on the right a 4mm sheet of locos shedded at Stoke (5D) - both offer savings over buying sheets for each class of loco!

Turntable Britannia FADE-OUT.png
Steam on Shed graphics.png
CURLY 6 & 9.png

Make your own selection of numbers...

PS Western Region.png
PS Southern Region.png
PS Midland Region.png
PS Eastern Region.png
PS BR Standards.png

2 High Street, Corby Glen,

Lincolnshire, NG33 4LX, UK


Telephone: +44(0)7899 740119

To order... Download and complete our order form which has payment options. Post or email it to us - send a cheque or pay by BACS. If you want to pay by PayPal or with your credit/debit card, we will email you a PayPal invoice which allows you to do either. There is a £2 surcharge on orders under £10 in value.

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